Fungicide Program

Lawn Disease Control

Some of the most destructive, pulverizing lawn disease can be controlled by a strong, lawn disease control Fungicide program. Our Fungicide Program will help prevent and control destructive lawn diseases such as: Dollar spot, Leaf Spot, Red Thread, Brown Patch and Summer Patch.

Common Lawn Diseases


Dollar Spots

Dollar spot fungus begins to grow and infect susceptible grasses in the spring when night temperatures exceed 50°F, even though symptoms of the disease may not appear until later in the spring or early summer.

Leaf Spot Fungicide Program
Leaf Spot Fungicide Program

Leaf Spot

This lawn disease fungi survive the winter as spores (fungus seeds) and as mycelium (fungus strands). When spring temperatures reach 55 to 60 degrees and there is a lot of moisture from rain or dew, the fungus begins to grow and spreads its spores by wind and water.


Red Thread

Red thread is a foliar disease that usually occurs on taller mown turfgrasses during spring and fall. Red thread symptoms create an undesirable appearance, but crowns and roots are not infected so plants are not killed and turf eventually will recover.

Pythium Blight

Pythium blight outbreaks are especially damaging to creeping bentgrass, annual bluegrass, rough bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass. Among turfgrass diseases, Pythium blight receives considerable attention because it spreads very quickly, affects leaves and crowns, and kills plants, resulting in extensive loss of lawn.

Summer Patch

Summer patch affects Kentucky bluegrass and annual bluegrass on all kinds of turf venues, including golf courses, athletic elds, professional landscapes, and residential lawns. The summer patch pathogen, Magnaporthe poae, is active during late spring and summer when turfgrass root growth is diminished.


Brown Patch

Symptoms of brown and large patch diseases may vary greatly with the type of grass and soil conditions. The diseases usually cause thinned patches of light brown grass that are roughly circular in shape.

Fusarium Lawn Disease

Are you seeing strange white slime on your lawn? It could be suffering from Fusarium Lawn Disease. Fusarium is a common lawn disease that tends to appear in mild damp weather. A mild case of fusarium may leave some temporary scars on your lawn, but a severe case of fusarium can cause a lot of damage and you may need to carry out major repairs.

Rust Lawn Disease

Rust is a fungal disease that occurs in late summer or early fall, during periods of dry weather or when the grass is low on nitrogen. The fungi symptoms of this lawn disease begin as tiny yellow spots on the grass blades. These spots become elongated and eventually rupture into clusters of rust-orange spores that give the disease its name. When touched, the powdery, dust-like rust spores leave a color a lot like the fine particles of rust from metal.

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